Wednesday, 22 April 2020

LoopdeLoop - Mushy

Yet another Loopdeloop, I used this opportunity to experiment with After Effects Duik rigs instead of my usual 2D tradigital style. Experimenting with After Effects rigs opens up my animation range and is a viable (and faster) substitute for my usual 2D hand-drawn animation. Using the Google Images filter to find images I could use legally, I assembled a somewhat grotesque figure based around my previous character design called Bowler.

Previous pixel art animations of Bowler (dated July 2018)

I "storyboarded" this project in TVPaint (so it turned out to be a lot closer to an animatic). I also figured out the ending more organically since a Duik rig allows for a lot more freedom to animate.

What went well:
  • To create the mush, I stitched together different images for texture and colour i.e. I had to create banana mush using pizza dough, mashed potatoes and a slug for texture (a lot cleaner, faster and less wasteful than making and photographing the mush myself),
  • Managing the numerous assets went smoothly becuase I organised them carefully into separate folders and PSDs,
  • The photorealism brought an uncanny feeling to the animation, which is the aesthetic I was going for,
  • Using a 3D spherical warp on the face gave it the illusion of turning in 3D which I thought was really clever,
  • I wanted to put a heavy emphasis on character animation on a blank, expressionless character, so I used a lot of body language and hand gestures to convey that character.

What could be improved:
  • I've been wanting to do a loop with more than one camera shot/angle, but the mush-zoom doesn't count as a different camera shot for me,
  • The zoom also blows up the resolution and shows all the defects, even if it does exaggerate the impact.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Sound ahoy! - SPnU

We finally have the first draft of the soundtrack from Ellie!

We had a few notes of feedback that we compiled in a spreadsheet since discussing this in person was not possible (social distancing and all).
We tried to be as specific as possible to avoid confusion

After a bit of back and forth, we (or rather Ellie) refined it to a level we were happy with:

Friday, 3 April 2020

Working from Home - SPnU

Due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we had to shift our deadlines around:

Damo (the producer of this project) tweaked the spreadsheet

The main changes were the deadlines for cleanup and colour as we realised we needed more time, we also planned it so that we'd be done a week before the deadline to polish things up a bit and for last-minute changes.

We were also unable to book out microphones (also it would've been a disproportionate effort for something with so little impact to the film) so Ellie, our musician, came up with the idea to pitch down the previous gasps she had recorded. It's not ideal, but it's time-efficient and it works.

Another hurdle we had to overcome during the colouring stage was the weird anti-aliasing interfering with the fill tool (I'm not sure of its official name), I came up with a not-so-effective-but-it-helps type of solution which I thought would make it less of a strain to correct. This tip works particularly well when dealing with flats of more than one colour: