Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Oh Deer - Paper Cut Out Segment

To quench my generalist animator needs, I volunteered to help out with the paper-cut-out segment in Petra's animation. Ironically, only time will tell if this was a wise decision in terms of time management since I'm already part of a few projects at this point. But paper-cut-out animation is pretty interesting to me, especially when there's fx work involved too.

I did a test to gauge how demanding this medium is, what frame rate to use, and which asset-creation methods work best.

From this, I learnt it's easiest to work on a lower frame rate, with fewer details in the flames. I also learned to keep edges and tangents controlled since those are difficult to cut out.

I also simplified the faces of the character designs Rhys created, to be turned into paper cutouts (with Sophie's help too, she designed the bodies). I came up with two design types, one closer to the original designs, and the other with a more simplified, and distinct shape language:

I got through making one complete head before the coronavirus pandemic got really bad and we made the decision to drop the paper cutout segment entirely since access to the stop-motion facilities in university wasn't possible. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. 

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